Founder’s word

Thesis defence at ENSTA Bretagne
“Graduated as a signal processing engineer from the French engineering school “ENSE3 – Grenoble INP“, I started my underwater acoustics career in the team of “ALTRAN Ouest” (Brest) for the needs of the RESIBAD project (Characterization of the sound reduction induced by a bubble curtain).
Wishing to continue my career in this area, I started and get a PhD in underwater acoustics with the GIPSA Lab (Grenoble INP), the research chair CHORUS and the company RTSYS. This cross-disciplinary PhD deals with artificial intelligence, statistical analysis and image processing.
The 4 years as an engineer and then as a project manager at RTSYS allowed me to develop my skills in underwater acoustics (passive and active), in the transverse fields (programming, software) and in project management. I was able to work with people coming from research, industry and the navy.”
“In 2019, I decided to create the engineering agency ABYSSENS, acting in underwater acoustics and artificial intelligence.”

Our commitments, an environmentally responsible company
Wishing to establish an environmentally responsible approach, several actions were enforced by Abyssens to minimise the impact of the company on environment (teleworking, web meetings, eco-friendly software design, etc).
Committed to a local development approach, Abyssens promotes collaboration with local or regional partners.