DORI recorder – S Cells version

3 0505 715 HT

DORI underwater acoustic recorder :

  • Model: S
  • Type internal power: Alkaline C Cells ( x 10)
  • Autonomy: up to 17 days in continuous recording
  • Storage capacity: up to 4 TB
  • Maximum operating depth: 300 m
  • Frequency range:

All included: Hydrophone, One set of alkaline cells, Pressure relief valve, Storage, DaViS software, Accessory kit

Store category : DORI underwater acoustic recorders > Cells version


Storage capacity

Protective cage

Transport case

Mooring brackets

Product price
Additional options total:
Order total:

Recorder for short term deployments :

Abyssens offers a line of underwater acoustic recorders with high performances in acoustic recording and storage. Thanks to a self noise below sea state zero and a high dynamic range, ambient noise can be monitored together with high level sources.

DORI recorder – S addresses the issue of short term deployments in coastal areas.

Key technical specifications

High dynamic range up to 110 dB

High storage capacity up to 4 TB

Raw data storage (.wav) on 24 bits

Autonomy of 17 days in continuous recording (energy & storage)

Self noise below sea state zero

Software configurable analog amplification gain and analog high pass filter using WiFi (without opening the recorder)

Remote software update of the recorder

Clean and secure access to SD cards (without contact with electronics)

Our main options

Temperature sensor

Vacuum kit (allows you to test the watertightness of the device)

Typical use cases :

Two frequency ranges are available and offer you a complete listening range of the underwater soundscape. These underwater recorders can be used for PAM (Passive Acoustic Monitoring) allowing to listen the ambient noise and its constituents:

    • anthropogenic sounds : noise radiated by boats, sea works noises as pile driving, drilling or explosions, noise radiated by renewable marine energies
    • biologic sounds : marine mammals, fishes and bentic activity
    • geophonic sounds : wind, rain, seismic and volcanic activity

High frequency option allows listening up to 200 kHz, which is often requested for detecting clicks from marine mammals, such as harbor porpoises.

ADC 24 Bits
Dynamic range
110 dB
Analog high pass filter
10 Hz or 370 Hz (software selectable)
Analog gain 0 dB or 12 dB (software selectable)
Sampling rates LF : 31,25 kSps, 62,5 kSps, 125 kSps
HF : 31,25 kSps, 62,5 kSps, 125 kSps, 250 kSps, 360,36 kSps, 400 kSps
RTC accuracy 1 ppm
Low frequency [LF] Hydrophone HTI-96-MIN Low noise– Analog bandwidth : 2 Hz – 30 kHz
High frequency [HF] Hydrophone HTI-99-UHF Low noise– Analog bandwidth : 2 Hz – 250 kHz
SH for LF & HF Standard : -185 dB re 1V/μPa, other on request
User configuration
Recording modes
Continuous or duty cycling
Scheduled mode Immediate or scheduled start
Storage Raw data [.wav] with selectable file duration
WiFi (without opening the recorder)
Internal micro SD Card Storage
Storage capacity
Up to 4 TB
Internal power
10 Alkaline C Cells
Autonomy up to 17 days in continuous recording – refer to autonomy tab
  • Diameter: 90 mm
  • Length (LF): 277 mm (HF: +23 mm)
1.9 kg (with cells)
Maximum operating depth
300 m
Available options
Hydrophone connection Integrated or remote with Subconn connector
Temperature sensor
Accuracy: ± 0.1 °C (between -5 to 50 °C)
Protective cage
Allows hydrophone shock protection. Increases the recorder LF length by 45 mm.
Mooring brackets Allows insertion into a mooring line
Transport case
414 x 345 x 174 mm
Vacuum kit
Compatible with all DORI recorders. Allows watertightness test.

DaViS : DAta VIsualization Software

A post treatment dynamic visualization of the data is possible with the dedicated software :DaViS. It performs acoustics analysis in replay mode from .wav file of your DORI recorder.

DaViS displays the spectrogram, the temporal evolution of Sound Pressure Level (SPL), the Power Spectral Density and the third octave band levels. In addition, this software allows an audio listening.

Gain and sensitivity of hydrophone are automatically filled. The sound levels are directly shown in dB re 1µPa. This software is compatible with windows and free of charge (supplied with any recorder). The tools and graphs are user friendly.